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Lecture 17 of 21




Prof. Dr. Ender Kazazoglu

Precise Impression in Implant Prosthetics 

Release Date: June 5th, 2021

CE Credits: 1CE (Self Study)

Provider: Tamimi Academy


  • Dr. Ender Kazazoğlu graduated in 1984 from the University of Marmara Dental School, Istanbul, Turkey.

  • He received his Ph.D. from The London Hospital Medical College U.K. in 1991. Then he worked at the London as a research assistant between 1991-1992.

  • Beginning of 1993, he started to work as a lecturer in the field of prosthetic at the University of Marmara Dental School.

  • Currently, he is working at the University of Yeditepe Dental School. Working as a chief editor for Turkish part of the Journal of Balkan Stomatology and member of editorial board of International J. Prosthodontics.

  • He published 3 chapters in the prosthetic books, 81 international articles in various prosthetic journals.

  • The main research topics are Gerodontology, Dental materials, Aesthetics and Implantology.


One of the major problems for implant dentistry is taking an impression of full mouth coverages in nineties. Precision of impression is depending on quality of impression material, type of impression posts and splinting. There are also some indirect effects such as shrinkage of a casted metal and a plaster model etc. All these variables affect the precision of metal frame to sit passively in the mouth. However, we forget all these problems when the implant manufacturers introduced the cement-abutments in 1996. So, even a miss fit full mouth prosthesis can be fitted after minor or major adjustments. Finally, cements cover our all type of our mistakes and result of that: dentists are happy because they are easily doing implant restorations and manufacturers are also happy because they increase their turnover. But in the year 2000, some studies showed peri-implant disease is increased 60%. Then we start to have an argument in literature between cement or screw restorations. Screw restorations have an advantage on cement restorations, but impression is still a major obstacle.


When The “All-on-4® “treatment concept was developed by Paulo Malo with straight and angled multi-unit abutments, to provide edentulous patients with an immediately loaded full arch restoration with only four implants. all-on-4 has a great advantage and easy to use but again we are facing same problem of the impression.


Either Screw type prosthesis or All-on-4 treatments are requiring highly precise impression for reaching a passive fit a metal substructure. In this lecture I will discuss what is in the literature and show how can we practically take the precise impression.  


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ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Tamimi Academy designates this activity for 1 continuing education credits.

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